Monday, November 25, 2013

And, I Got The Sticker

On the way to school today, I decided to shake things up a bit.  I casually said, "my ear hurts" and let the panic set in.  I looked fine. I felt fine. No fever. No issues.  But that one tiny three word sentence sets Mommy in a tizzy on a week that we are headed out of town.

So, I went to school like nothing happened but then on the way home we stopped at the doctors.  The doctors always ask for symptoms and Mommy's only comment was that I like the stickers we get after appointments.  Entirely true!

Well, the doctor was new to me and wasn't so sure what to think about our attitude towards ear infections until she looked in my ear and said the normal ear without a tube is fine but the ear with the tube has an infection.  I TOLD YOU!!!!!

So, we got a script (yeah, I've had so many ear infections that I know the word 'script') called in and went to Target.  The best thing about this Target is that the Hello Kitty make up section is right near the pharmacy. Not so close that we stay out of trouble, but close enough that Mommy won't scream at the top of her lungs when she can't see us.

See this, Santa?  Good.  Write it down, please.

PS- Sam had a half day today so she got home early while Mommy and Daddy were busy with work.  She did a great job entertaining herself and even made a special card for Mommy and told her that she loved her and wanted her to know how special she is.  Mommy cried.

Sam also tried to teach Mommy how to count to ten in french. It didn't go well. She also explained that eggs have protein and protein keeps you healthy.  She wants to keep getting eggs in her school lunch.  Where are my hard boiled eggs?

We got a babysitter so Mommy and Daddy could go to school conferences.  They asked Mrs. Adams to please remind Samantha to bring home her collection of sweaters, coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Mrs. Adams said that Samantha said her Mommy told her to keep them at school.  Busted!

I am going to seriously have to remember that teachers and parents talk!

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