Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wowsers, What a Week!

It's been a crazy week and it's only Wednesday.

On Monday we visited Henry and his mom to celebrate her birthday with bagels. What a coincidence that us little ones and the bigger ones have birthdays really close to the other. Makes for easy birthday celebrations! We also went back over to bust in on their family festivities as well. We met Henry's cousins, Liam and Nora, for the first time but it feels like we've known them forever because we get to hear fun stories about them growing up. Liam is 4 and Nora is 2, both are such cuties- it must run in the family :)

Here is a picture of my hottie Henry and his grandmother... She is the newest member of my extended family, anointed last week when I drooled all over her shoulder.

Tuesday was Daddy Ditch Day. Mommy and Daddy got up really early (around 5:30 am) and started the process of packing up our entire house to relocate to Avalon (Jersey beach/shore) for the day in honor of a very special visit with Aunt Katie and Uncle Craig. They live in Southern California, but spent the week on the east coast to visit with his family from PA and of course to meet me. Turns out that it is much harder to have day trips when I'm included. After several false starts (Daddy NEVER remembers the camera!), we finally left the house at 7:45. By the time we got on the road we were all ready for a nap!

I loved visiting with Aunt Katie and Uncle Craig. I got to snuggle lots with Aunt Katie and am already looking forward to visiting them in sunny California this Christmas. I'm going to be big enough to play with their doggy Malibu in the pool so long as Malibu doesn't splash me too much.

Here I am at the beach house with Mommy. The dry cleaner lady thinks I'm starting to look more like Mommy. What do you think?

Here is some quality time with Daddy. I think he is trying to put me to sleep with some boring story.

Here is my photo shoot with Aunt Katie and Uncle Craig. Yes, I am wearing two different outfits today. Mommy put me in the most adorable blue dress but it wasn't warm enough when the storm came, so she put on my green running suit to keep me toasty. I love Baby Gap!

Another first was my visit to the beach. In Jersey we call it the 'shore', but between you and me- I think it looks just like the beach. I don't think you're supposed to go to the ocean after a huge storm, but Mommy doesn't listen and said I HAD to go to the beach for picture time. Here we are for about three minutes, just long enough to take pictures.

Today was my two month visit to the doctors to see Dr. H. He was really happy with my progress in reaching the typical milestones.

I am 11 pound 5 ounces, making mommy lose her bet that I was at least 12 pounds. I kept telling her that I'm not a porker, but she never listens!

I am 23 inches long and my head is 15 inches.

So far I am still taller than I am chubby.

Dr H listened to mommy brag about all I can do, including progress towards potty training and thought she might be slightly exaggerating my ability to wait for the diaper to be unsecured to let it rip (because I don't like to sit in a dirty or wet diaper). That is until he opened my diaper to finish my exam. In that split second I decided to liven the visit up with exploding poop. Dr H did a jump right out of the movie "Dodgeball" (the end, not the beginning where everyone sucks at staying away from the ball) and narrowly missed being nasty for the rest of his appointments. The carpet was not so lucky. Anyways, his jumping and my pooping were way too much for me and I had a total meltdown that made every parent in the entire office glad I'm not their child. Note that this was all BEFORE my shots and I got worse after those nasty needles. Needless to say Mommy had her hands full all afternoon and into the evening until I finally went down for the night at 8pm.

Mommy did get a talking to about my napping habits and I think I'm in for some tough love tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. Something about letting me cry (mean mommy!) for up to 30 minutes while I 'work it out', whatever that means. I'll keep you updated. If you don't see a post tomorrow, then you should contact Daddy and tell him that I'm still a baby and Mommy is way too tough on me!

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