Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blame It On The Elves Of Mayberry

What a super fun evening.  Of course Chrissy hung out on her mat. I'm starting to think she lives on this mat.  I mean, do you ever see her anywhere else these days?

It's getting super close to our annual Easter Egg Hunt, so I helped Mommy stuff the eggs for our hunt.  When she brought out our Easter bin full of goodies, I found my chickie that chirps when placed on my hand. Chrissy made it chirp, too.  She smiled as much as I do, sometimes even more if you ask me.

I'll give you kisses.
Yay for kisses!

Gotta love tummy time.  She's getting pretty good at it.  Maybe she'll like surfing.
Look at me, Chrissy!
After tummy time, I'm pretty sure she wanted to punch Ollie for getting up in her grill.

But she snapped out of it pretty quickly.

And started hamming it up for the camera.

She is such a happy baby.

Hi Chrissy!

You go night-night, okay?  You can't see it right now, but she has officially discovered her thumb and knows how to suck it.  That's one thing you know for sure that she didn't learn from me.  I never strayed my loyalty from my trusty nuk.

Before I tell you about my bedtime adventures tonight, I have to share with you that my ultimate punishment last night was Mommy threatening to turn off the fan after I played for 1.5 hours past my bedtime.

Tonight she put me to bed with the same threat.  She came back upstairs 30 minutes later in response to my wails.  The gate was locked and my backup nuk was in the hallway. She got me back in bed and tried finding the chickie that was supposed to be on the dresser. It was in bed.  Joshua?  In my reading chair. I tried explaining that the whole room was reorganized by elves. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Even though mommy didn't buy it and scolded me big time.

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