Friday, April 22, 2011

No School Means Animals!

When I woke up this morning, Mommy told me that school was closed and we were heading to the zoo. Brave Mommy was going to head this outing solo.  Daddy had to work, so it was a girls only field trip.  Score!

We sang silly songs the whole way down to the zoo and when we got there I quickly understood what Mommy meant about being a girls only outing.  More walking for me.  Sure, Chrissy was in her baby bjorn. But there were lots of places that we went that required walking. Good thing I'm a great walker.  All the better when I can walk past monkeys!

At the primate house we ran into Maggie and Lexie.  Great minds think alike!  After we made promises for a playdate this summer, the Burts and Mommy headed to the carousel.  I picked the black panther.  

We bonded quite nicely!
Then we headed to the treehouse, which is a recent discovery of ours.  I get to run and play with the dinosaurs and Mommy gets a break with Chrissy.  Score!
Hmm.  Maybe this rest idea isn't such a bad one after all.
Moving on.  I can go bump bump down the steps.
Bump bump.
Chrissy was so unimpressed, she slept right through all of my fun.
What is this?  An egg?
Look Mommy.  I hatched!
All by myself.
What?  Time to go home??????  I like my animals. I want to stay.  Fuss, fuss, fuss.
On the way home we ran into massive traffic on 676 and Mommy had to go potty so we found a McDonalds.  Mommy promised french fries to make up for the detour.  Works for me!  Except I totally fell asleep and missed my french fries.  Double darn!

Later that afternoon Mommy went into the living room and found this beauty.
That's a super cute Daddy and daughter moment.  I'm pretty sure I used to snuggle with Daddy just like that eons ago when I was a baby.
Of course Friday is still PIZZA night!  This particular night was deemed to be naked pizza since we refused to wear bibs  for our art project of decorating eggs with super heavy duty dye and Mommy knows that I'm a mess magnet.

 No pictures, please.  Too distracting.
Hmm, how is Emily decorating her egg?
I'll take more blue.
Right here.
More and more and more blue, please.
Phew, all this creative energy is wearing me out.
I took a cat nap and Emily ran to her Mommy to tell her I fell asleep on the couch.  I heard Mommies laughing but I was too sleepy to do anything but rest.

Night, night!

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