Friday, April 08, 2011

Bassinets Are For Babies

Yes, it's true that Chrissy moved to her own room a few weeks ago.  But, Mommy and Daddy are way behind on keeping our house clean.  So, the bassinet stays set up in their room. I sure hope this isn't a sign that they want to welcome a baby brother into the family.

I took it as a sign that the baby organutan wanted to go night-night.

Rock a bye baby on the tree top, when the wind blows the craddle will rock and rock and rock and rock!
Why aren't you falling asleep?  You need a blankie?  Okay.
I'll help you.
I'll give you a blankie.
Smack, smack.  You go night-night now?
Rock, rock.
Rock, rock.
Night-night (screamed, of course!)

Night-night, baby!

I'm a happy helper.
What a good big sister I am!
Big potty, here I come!

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