Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK Day- Samantha Style

Mommy offered to pay daycare double to take us today.  They politely declined the offer, so it was off to the races for us. 

By races, I mean we raced to drive Mommy nutso.  I stayed super active and not so politely declined the offer of nap time. I watched tons of Super Why and picked up my new favorite phrase that peppered my conversation all day.  Wanna know what it was??? Double drats! 

We girls took a bath and Chrissy levitated to swipe toys from inside the tub.  I thought Mommy's eyes were going to pop out of her head when she saw Chrissy's tiny toes lift off the bathmat in search of toys!

My finally got Chrissy to sleep and came down to read me stories and flipped out when she couldn't find me.  She looked high and low without any luck.

Would you have done better yourself?  Try now.  Where am I?

Give up?  Here I am!
Yeah, Mommy was totally freaked out until she found me safe and sound.
Night, night!

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