Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tinkles and Sparkles

What a day, I tell ya.  Mommy woke me up from my nap and then woke Samantha from her nap.  Then it was field trip time.  Where?  To the dentist!

I was fine until I realized the empty chair was for me.

Hmm, tricking Mommy into joining me worked.
Now we're both happy!


Samantha's turn. She is such a big girl.  She was all smiles!

Until the scraper came out.
Then she was super sad.
No cavities, but she scored a spinning toothbrush and flouride toothpaste out of this visit.  The best part?  A sparkly tooth ring that she thinks is so super beautiful that she wants to wear it to Aunt Lissa's wedding.

The icing on this cake?  Since I went tinkles in the potty at school, we went for pizza! I looked around and said, "Look there are so many pizzas over there!"

Are you really gonna call me out on my pizza eating approach?

Sure, Samantha eats pizza the "right" way.  She's almost five!

I prefer my way!
Then we headed home and Mommy said we had to have vegetables.  After 45 minutes of back and forth over the value of green beans in a toddler's diet, Mommy's ready to jump out our basement window. My take on the exchange? Taking the last bite I was going to, I gave Mommy a thumbs up and said "yay teamwork".

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