Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Guess Who Turned Four???

Hot dog.  I thought this day would never come.  In a really long time I haven't had a birthday.  Well folks, I can tell you that I welcomed today with open arms.  Today, I am FOUR!!!

Here is a self portrait to share with you.  The birthmark?  Really, it's just dirt.  You shower on your birthday?  Wow, what's it like to live in your house?
Mommy wouldn't let me have pancakes without posing for this picture.  I'm angelic and she is a mommy.  Daddy and Mommy took me for pancakes and I was super, super, super happy!

On the way into school I ran into my first teacher ever. Miss Kim will always have a special place in my heart.  I love you Miss Kim!
Had to get Daddy and Samantha picture on my birthday.  I love you, too!

Remember the picture I took yesterday when I was three?  Well, here is the picture I took today now that I'm four. Admit it, I totally look different. Go back to yesterday's post and you'll see what I mean.  I am way older today than yesterday!
Here's a picture of me with Chrissy so you can see just how old four looks compared to one.

Here is "one" up close.

Did you know that being four scores you lots and lots of presents.  I had no idea, but this is amazing!  Did I ever tell you how much I love flowers and balloons?  Well, I really, really, really do!

I am totally in present overload!  Must open this card right now and see who sent me a present in pink paper.
Chrissy and her famous cheese face.
Now, onto the unwrapping. I can do it myself!
As soon as I really learn how to read, then this part will be all on my own.  I promise.
Gosh, I might be super cute.....
Books and more books?  My favorite!

Cat and the Hat?  I read his books and they are great.  Now I can play his game, too!

Wowsers, last year it was super hard to open cards by myself.  This year?  A piece of cake!
But, I still can't read the cards all by myself...

Coloring books, hooray!
Someone was a bit jealous about all my presents...

Lacing kits!

I can't wait!

Now that I'm four I can do big girl things really well!

Super Why!!!

My Cinderella backpack!
And necklace!

Wait, there is something else in there?
A Cinderella ball?  Bounce, bounce!

I think it bounced away!

Did I tell you that Mommy promised me cupcakes, but she didn't know the cupcake store was closed so we got there and had to turn around.  It was too late to head to Princeton for Bent Spoon so we did the third best thing. Grocery store, here we come!  They kindly put my name on my very own cake.
Can't leave it to Daddy for proper candle placement.
Now that's what I'm talking about!
Slight tweak.

Now, this is what four looks like!

Super cute Samantha.
Side profile Samantha.

Super Happy Samantha

I'm ready for my cake!

I get to blow out the candles by myself!

Ready, Set...
Now I'm officially four!

Chrissy wants my cake. I think she wishes it were her birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you To Samantha!!!!
Ms. Kim