Thursday, March 26, 2009

My First Speeding Ticket

After several false starts, I am officially crawling. There has to be something worth my while to exert such energy, but for cat food I'd go anywhere. Yes, you read that correctly. I apparently take after Daddy with a penchant for feline food.

I am now cruising around the house and Mommy has trouble keeping up with me. She says I'm violating the speed limit for crawling!

She set me down with some Cheerios and I thought they were a bit confined in a bowl. Imagine that. Sooooo, I dumped them on the carpet and started two fisting it. I must admit I might have gotten a bit confused since the cat dish was not too far away. Imagine Mommy's horror to find Cheerios and cat food mixed on the floor and lots of bits of food IN my mouth! The Nuk is a nice touch, huh?

For those of you who know my Daddy, he also ate cat food as a baby. Discriminating palates must run in the family...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also love the cat crawl - she is so cute! and the pink picture, which is really funny. Joanie