Saturday, March 31, 2012

Swim Swim, Easter Bunny!

Chrissy's favorite thing to do is the opposite of what she is supposed to do.  No, she isn't supposed to be on the fireplace wall.  But she sure looks cozy, comfy doesn't she?
Watching Super Why, of course!

Before I knew it, it was time to head out to my last swim lesson of the season. And, we were finally able to take lots and lots of pictures. Cheese!

My latex swim cap, new courtesy of the not nice people who swiped my first one.  Shiny, spankin' new.

Ready to take the plunge.
3-2-1- bubbles!

Float, float!

Perfect dead man's float in action.

Taking time out of my busy lesson to pose for pictures.  Yes, I am golden child!


Elbow, elbow....
Knee, knee...
Bombs away!
Safety first!

Chrissy's turn to get ready!

I think I can, I think I can.
Blowing bubbles, I did it!

Proof that I can put my head under water!

And survive!

Chrissy's turn!

This is totally Chrissy.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall....
Swim, swim.

We are huge fans of tushie shots and she sure has a cute tushie.
She doesn't yet smile on command for the camera.
Tricked you!

Even Chrissy is learning about elbow, elbow, knee, knee.
And she's pretty good at it, to boot!
I love my sister!

She can blow bubbles, too!
To the wall!

Runaway Chrissy...

Yes, this is how I bide my time.  It's called patience. And, as I am asked by Mommy daily, "patience means wait".

Ready for the next game.

Guess who's a tea pot?

Tip her over and pour her out.

Here I am!

Another tea pot?  She just wants to jump in the water just like me!

Snuggle, snuggle works even in the water.

Cutie- patootie!

She is super tall, for being in the 50% percentile....

Flying baby!
Water landing.

Chrissy puts everything in her mouth!

I'm not joking.

You can do it, Chrissy!

Somebody feels strongly that the 30 minute class should be only 17 minutes.  It might be Chrissy.
Before you knew it, our winter sesssion was over.  We sure had a lot of fun!
Here is my super awesome report card, which I rocked!
When we got home it was time for our Egg Hunt Party.  We welcomed our guests and super classy Mommy put them right to work!


Roslyn and Emily- school friends.

We had am amazing time for it raining and hosting over 40 people inside our house.  I think our hunt lasted three minutes but the fun was all day.  Can't wait for next year!

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