Sunday, April 01, 2012

Princess Power!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Helen!  She is lucky enough to have her birthday every year on April's Fools Day.  I can feel it that next year is going to be my year of finally pulling off some super cool pranks.  Just you wait!

But, this year it's time to focus on helping Samantha to kick the ball towards the other team's goal.

I am using my special sister power to guide her across the field.
Some might say I lack this special power.  Our team may have lost again but I'm pretty sure the other team is stacked full of 5 year olds.
Back home Samantha practiced her super cute official princess pose.
Hat included.
I practiced my own call to action, pick me up NOW!
She found a flower!
And lost her balance....
Mommy wasn't sure what to do with us so we popped on downstairs for some bouncy house. I'm really  good at face planting.

But I sure love it!

Happy bappies!

Samantha has homework.  She was getting ready for her school presentation. Yep, you read it right.  My big sister, at the ripe age of 3 has a presentation.
And she is working really hard to get ready.
She also found time to pen a fan letter to Cinderella.
All by herself.  She is my princess hero!

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