Thursday, April 19, 2012

Playing Around

Chrissy thinks diaper changes are a chance to do everything but..... Look at her onesie.  It's not buttoned!

She took her silliness to the dinner table. Yeppers, I sure do call it dinner even when it's morning.  It gets Mommy all riled up and I kinda like that.

Chrissy wore a barrett for about one hundred years longer than I ever would.  I think she was distracted by the banana.
And cheerios, of course.

Me?  I'm still on an orange yogurt kick.   Carrot/french vanilla yogurt?  Try it!
It's super yummy.
Dinner sure wore someone out!

But she recovered at school to enjoy her mid-day stroll.
Yes, this is our front yard....
And our house....
So we went to the park after school and had a playdate with Katie and Zacky.
We played on the swings.

And Chrissy tried to figure out how to climb the ladder.
She sure tried a long time.

Yes, this is my living room....

Don't all houses have ladders and windows lying around???

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