Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spice Rack Exploring

Mommy got Samantha a special art project to do.  Samantha loved it.

 She is a silly smiler, isn't she?
 Me?  With no art project, I was left to my own devices.  Yeppers, that means exploring.  Spice cabinet, nice to meet you.
 Taco seasoning?  Sounds yummy.
 Which do you think tastes better?
 Yeah, I'm thinking you're right.
 Pepper, the calorie free spice.  Did you know our bodies can't digest pepper.
 Yeah, I'm totally filled with poop and random facts. Some people might call those two things one and the same!
 Shake, shake.  Hey, my own rattle!
 I'm multi talented!
 Wonder what pepper tastes like.

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