Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Henry!

Chrissy woke up at 2am and then again at 5am. Mommy didn't like the 5am and sorta decided to go back to sleep until Chrissy cried. Well, after calling her bluff, Mommy woke up at 7:45 and realized the whole house was still asleep. Chrissy had gone back to sleep and Mommy had to wake her up. Mommy and Daddy love their new blackout curtains that help them sleep in!

I woke up at 8:30 and was super happy to get all that sleep. Then T had a great breakfast of orange yogurt and Cheerios. Mommy and Daddy made me try cantaloupe. I made funny faces, but managed to eat three pieces. Operation baby food no more is in full swing and I'm not sure how I feel about it!

I showered and then washed Chrissy's belly. Then it was off to Henry's third birthday party.

I kicked the party off with a turn at the slide. Ready,

Set, Go!

Here's the handsome birthday boy.
Headed down the ramp.
This ball is for me?

Flying Samantha

Chrissy wanted a turn on the slide. Good first attempt!

Come here, bubbles!

Bubbles falling on Chrissy.
I love our girl time!

Jump, jump!

I kept my pull-up dry the whole time! I ate pizza and drank tons of apple juice. Cupcakes came out and I dropped one face down on the ground. For my second one, I decided to see how many sprinkles would stick to my hand.  I earned a one way ticket to the sink for a thorough scrubbing for that stunt.

Henry's party was super super fun and I'm so glad to have a great friend for life! Happy birthday, dear friend!

On way home asked for a nap.  Mommy went out to look at a house with Emmy's Mommy.  Then she came home and woke me up to play.  Ee almost went on a walk until I had to poop.  Mommy and Chrissy went without me.  Daddy and I read books while I decidedly did NOT poop.  Then we met them on the walk.

When we came home I finally pooped a good time later to the threat of no Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Meanie!

After I pooped,  I washed my hands and RAN to the family room where I plopped down in front of the tv and got my fill of Mickey.  Yay!

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