Sunday, May 05, 2013

Certified Crazy

Samantha had a breakthrough moment.
Samantha, did you make good choices or bad choices with the babysitter last night?"
"Did Ms. Melissa call you?"
She just realized parents and sitters actually talk! I'm so glad she learned this now and told me.  I am going to have to be sneakier when there are babysitters.

Remember all that dirt and mulch?  It's still here.

Frankly, it's practically taller than Daddy.

We played in the mulch and dirt as much as we could before convincing them we needed fun in the sun- Sesame Style!

Passing the train station on the way there, I shouted, "all aboard!" Dinosaur Train has been so educational. I think I need more tv in my life!  Queue up the DVR!

Hello, Elmo!!!
Mommy and me!
Samantha and Daddy on Elmo's Flying Fish!

I tried really, really hard to lift off the ground.  It just didn't happen.

I just love, love, love my Daddy!
See that pretty bracelet?  It's the one from Mira's Mommy.  Mommy asked Samantha where India is and she said she didn't know.  Mommy then asked me. With a look of utter frustration, I said, "on the map!" Seriously, who doesn't know this???

We had a great time.  Rode the carousel and then snuck onto the swings.  I'm way too short but rode them last year without a problem.  So we sneak on the rides best we can.  Blast off?  No problem.  Tame swings?  Big problem.  Ugh!

Tuckered out, we headed home.  Mommy finally cleaned out our school bins. Look what she found.

Samantha is getting really good at art, isn't she?
Then we headed upstairs where we snuggled in my bed.  Thank goodness a queen is big enough for all of us!  Tickle war!
I've got you!
Ack, you've got me!

She who gets the summer hat wins the tickle war!

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