Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby

Can I let you in on a little secret? I don't always like to try new things. School is great at giving me new things to play with and experience. Some things are great. Some things are NOT.

You ask what might send me into a tizzy? H2O. Yep, a little water is enough to ruin my entire afternoon. Did you know water doesn't always come in one form? School spiced things up and made ice and plopped it right in front of me with the same gusto they would my snugglie. How do you think I reacted? Check for yourselves.
As the ice melts, so does my 'tude. You may not notice, but my signal of an upcoming meltdown is blowing raspberries without smiling or laughing. If you don't address my needs at that point, all heck breaks loose.

Here is my full blown reaction to ice. I'll take my soda warm, thanks.

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