Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Inner Ballerina

In the direction of perfectly healthy and normal in toddlerworld.

I am 24 pounds, 10 ounces- 50% percentile. I'm 32.75 inches- 75% percentile. Yay if I want a future in ballet!

Anywhoo, I'm totally on the right track according to Dr. M. I'm eating okay, expressing myself like a bonafide toddler and sleeping like a champ. My ears? Best they've been in over six months. See, I'm beautiful on the inside and out!

And the best part of the whole visit? For the second time in a row Mommy got the smackdown. Yeppers, Dr. M has to tell her that she's parenting incorrectly. Trust me- Daddy and I get a kick out of these visits!

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