Friday, January 08, 2010

Wandering Minds Of Toddlers

Daddy has had to rush off to work in the mornings this week, so it's been Mommy and me in the morning. Of course breakfast takes a long time so I can feed myself lots of courses and hang on until snack time at school.

Anyways, from there it's downhill. I have to get dressed, brush my teeth and hair and then get out the door in fifteen minutes. I know! How can a curious toddler be expected to focus on all those activities without getting sidetracked. Moms!

After I got dressed I knew it was pottytime. Not to use the potty, but to sit and ponder the important things in life. Art time- crayons, chalk or markers?

Today? Markers! Whew- one less thing to figure out.

Today's going to be smooth sailing!

This potty thing is great.

Mommy roped me into my winter jacket, but I managed to wiggle free from her grasp and run right back to my homebase for a bit of meditation before schooltime.

Before I knew it the day was over! Then Daddy picked me up and told me that our house is going to start looking different. Something about wallpaper disappearing and new colors on the walls. Woah- like this week hasn't been enough of a transition!
Daddy brought me back to center by making eggs. Seriously, I can't get enough eggs!

While Mommy and Daddy talked about the decorating options I stole Mommy's calculator. She really couldn't get mad because she stole it from work five years ago. What's the statute of limitations on theft? I think she's in the clear. Me? Looks like I've got some runnin' to do.

This number thing isn't so bad. What kept Mommy up all hours this week?

Ah, the straw makes a comeback. Go milk 'sippy' cup and calculator. Samantha heaven!

Math sure is challenging. Whew, thank goodness for sustenance.

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