Monday, July 26, 2010

Daddy and Me

Mommy had to run out early this morning so I didn't even get to see her before I headed off to school. So, like a trooper, she made my lunch and got my things ready so Daddy just had to feed me and hose me off before dropping me off at school. I decided to go easy on him. Sort of...

Here's how breakfast went. There was a whole lot of whining in each word I spoke, so put a toddler slant on the transcript below.

Me- Cheerios!

Daddy- Here you go. Cereal, yummy.

Me- No milk in Cheerios.

Daddy- (frustrated- threw the cereal out and gave me a new bowl of Cheerios without milk)

Me- (eat two Cheerios)

Me- I want milk in my Cheerios.

Daddy- Aaaaah!

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