Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pool Time!

Daddy's work buddies invited the work group and families over for an amazing play date on Saturday afternoon. The hostess had an amazing pool, which I spent two hours romping around on different floaty toys and the greatest food ever. I totally ate tons of COLORED goldfish (a first for me!) and chips and juice. You'd think it was my birthday all over again!

Oh, and did I mention the super cute doggie? I am totally obsessed with furry friends. Too bad they are too schedule oriented and Daddy travels too much or I'm sure I'd come home one day to find a special friend just for me. Until then, I'm content petting every doggie I can find.

Emily was there and we teamed up as only we can do. Check out this awesome picture of us on the push toy. We make a great pair, don't we? We took turns pushing each other and knocking each other over with our over enthusiasm playing together.
And the video, too!

Then we moved inside for a little game of grabby. What's that? It's our favorite game to play when we both want the same toy. Thankfully, we're pretty evenly matched and we end up taking turns on our own.

Sadly, I had a meltdown around 7:30pm and we had to break up the festivities before everyone else was ready to stop partying. This early bedtime just stinks! We headed home and Mommy and I pooped out. Well, that it until I puked my poor belly out until it begged for mercy. You see, I love the pool so much that I end up staying in the water way too long and drink too much pool water every time I dunk, which is all the time. So, I end up getting sick after going to the pool. It pretty much stinks the big one. Mommy and Daddy had to give me a bath at 12am and then we sat on the couch eating crackers and watching Barney until we were all sure I was safe enough to head back to my crib.

We spent the rest of Sunday resting around the house. And I had wanted to go to the pool again. Bummer on over protective parents!

PS- a HUGE thank you to Emily's parents for remembering their camera and sending us these lovely pictures and great video.

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