Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Big Day Out- Don't Sign Me Up, Please

So, it's finally happening.  I'm here in the hospital in a cage they are calling a crib.  I know I haven't been too wordy in how I got here, so a little background for you.  A single left ear infection in early September cleared up quickly with Amoxicillin.  Then in Indy I had a false alarm, but all was well.  Then I got a small but pesky cold that made us go to the doctors as much as Mommy needs a potty, which is more than you can  imagine unless you actually know my Mommy.  Finally the cold exploded into a raging double ear infection and I spent five days on Omnicef.  It sorta cleared up but then I spiked a fever out of nowhere and boom I had me a third ear infection and it was a double. So, Dr. G hooked me up with Omnicef for ten days.  Mommy was a mess because I was waking up for two to three hours in the middle of the night.  And I'm talking in the family room, watching tv and playing with toys and causing a ruckus middle of the night awakenings.  On day ten, I was looking and feeling much better and happened to have an ENT appointment.  This was last Wednesday for those who are already lost, like Mommy and Daddy!  While the ENT listened to the story, she was excited to check out my sure to be beautiful ears after ten days on meds.  Boy, was she surprised to find the meds didn't work and my double ear infection had been granted permanent residence in my life.  I was then put on Augmenten and  seven days later- that's today- I find myself in a cage they tell me is a crib.

I don't like being confined and think I am certain to avoid a life of crime because vertical bars add bulk to my middle and who wants that?

I have to hang out here?
Woah, you're taking my clothes and my blood pressure?   What's next, poking a hole in my ear drums?
Have mercy, I'm cute and fragile.
The id band that was put securely on my ankle to make sure I wouldn't get lost.  At least it was secure until Mommy picked me up and it slipped right off and landed on the floor next to the surprised nurse.  I got me a second band and kept the first to play with.
My new teether.
It's legit.  I'm goin' under!
Mommy and I walked the halls for an hour waiting for surgery and for Daddy to drop Samantha off at school to come stay with me. All the nurses loved me and how cute, calm and curious I was.  Mommy warned them that we have a family history of being really grouchy when coming out of anesthesia but they said I'd be fine.  Daddy showed up just in time to see me get wheeled off.  When they found me in the recovery room I was as bad as Mommy warned them I would be.  I screamed louder and longer than the six other kiddos.  The nurses moved me to a private recovery room to stop scaring the other kiddos.  Finally, after almost an hour and a half, the nurse approached Mommy and said the Doctor wanted us to go home in hopes that I'd calm down and sleep on the car ride home.  Houston, we got kicked out of the hospital!  But they were right and I slept the whole way home and spent the day cuddling with Mommy.

When Samantha came home Mommy made her share her toys with me.  She wasn't too happy, at first.
But then jumped right into awesome big sister mode and peace was restored.
Here's to a good night sleep!

PS- At the hospital Mommy ran into an old friend whose son was getting tubes by the same doctor right after me.  What a small world!

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