Tuesday, September 04, 2012

First Day Of School

Can you believe it?  Today is the first day of Pre-K. I'm not in Ms. Danielle's class anymore. I'm off to Ms. Michelle's class. And I dressed up super special for my first day as a super duper big girl.

Who's not too big for her dolly.
Love you!

Here I am on my first day, video style just for you.

Not to be left out, Chrissy wanted in on all this photo fun. She wanted to go to school without her shoes on!

I'm at the front door.  Between you and me, we use the garage door not the front door. Mommy wanted this staged photo op because she's like that...  Yes, that really is Chrissy's standard cheese face. She's not really pooping, it just looks that way.

See ya later, alligator!

Catch ya on the flip side!

Chrissy super duper doesn't want to feel left out.
I had a great first day, if you don't count that I hit my friend.  Transitions are kinda hard for me.

Back home, we read great stories.
And Chrissy showed off her tushie.
She loves finding toys.

Especially ones that make noise.

Mommy pretends to be as excited as Chrissy, but deep down she's totally not.
Mommy, just forget the camera and read to me, please!

Hi, Chrissy!
And, her cheese face again.

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