Friday, September 21, 2012

I Scream, You Scream, We ALL Scream For Ice Cream!

After an amazing last couple of weeks, it's back to the routine we hold so dear.  What does that mean?  Pizza Friday, of course!

Mommy and Christina are just as excited as I am.

Christina is so good at giving Mommy kisses.
Kiss, kiss.
I make silly jokes and Daddy makes silly faces.  We are the Burts!


How do you eat pizza?  Exactly, me too.

How does Christina eat pizza?  Upside down....

Pizza eating pausing for another mug shot.

Then where do we go? Do you remember?  Firehouse, of course!

This is the best way to see the fire engines.
Someone is not so good at taking turns.

But she gets happy again as soon as there is ice cream in the picture.

Now this is how every Friday night should end.
But this isn't so bad either!

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