Saturday, September 22, 2012

Prepping For The Big Day

Just in case Daddy needs any help navigating the running course, we're here to help him. Beep, beep!

After a great, lazy morning, we headed to Jersey City to check into a fancy hotel on the water that faces New York City. Why are we here? So Daddy can run his half-marathon, of course. We have to cheer him on!

I wish I were big enough to ride the escalator by myself.  Samantha looks so super duper cool.

At least I'm rockin' a cute backpack.

So, then we took the elevator to our hotel room and there were a bunch of strangers in the elevator with us. I waited until elevator door closed and said "oh my".  Everyone looked at me and laughed. I wonder why?

Then, as soon as the elevator door opened on our floor, I ran like a bat out of hell.  Catch me if you can!
Which you know you can't!
Ha, ha, sucker!
Nah, nah, nah!

Samantha loves her princess dress and pink bear. I love her smile.
And the pretty buildings outside our hotel window.

Yes, we are standing on the window ledge.  About to get scolded, me thinks.

Then it was off to see New York City, from Jersey.

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