Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happy Birthday, Robert

All too soon our vacation ended. But the fun kept coming.  Today was Robert's birthday party.  Samantha and Emily loved the turtle in the pool.

A lot.

I rocked my bullet and swam and swam and swam.
Oh, my goodness.  The Gil and Bert's truck came to Robert's birthday party.
Samantha loaded up on sprinkles. A real treat since Mommy doesn't like us to eat sprinkles.
Ice cream and sprinkles in a cup.  Pleased as punch.
Love me my Robert.
I'll hug you, but don't spill my ice cream, okay?
Woah. Mommy wanted an ice cream sundae.  It's bigger than her mouth!
When I saw Mommy's ice cream sundae, I ate my ice cream and then went back to the truck for an ice pop.
And then dared Mommy to tell this pirate "no".  Stand back!
Argh, matey!
This pretty princess is awesome at pinatas.
Belle found candy.
And I loaded my bag with treats.
Samantha saw my bag and wanted some.
I told you I am a pretty princess!
I'm so sad the party is over. Happy birthday, Robert.

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