Friday, October 24, 2008

Lunch Date

On Thursday Mommy and I drove down to Centocor to have lunch with Joan. We haven't seen her since her wedding and I've been really looking forward to catching up with her. Joan was so sweet to hold me so Mommy could eat lunch. She didn't even mind when I started to drool on her beautiful jacket. I'm not sure how she explained that one at her next meeting!

Here Joan is helping me play with my Lamaze Lady Bug toy. You can't really see my face because I am busy sucking on the toy, but trust me, I am having fun. If you look closely, you can see that I am grabbing the toy to give you the illusion that I am holding it up myself.

Joan tells such great stories! I can't wait to visit her at her home and meet her new puppy and maybe take a dip in her pool. I wonder if Daddy will let me wear my first bikini...

We also got to visit with Mommy's former manager, Christi, and Mommy's first FLDP roommate, Allison. Who knew so many cool people would be in one cafeteria? What a fun day!

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