Saturday, February 19, 2011


Today is a super big day.  Today is the day I met my little sister for the first time ever!  It started out awesome.  Daddy and I went to Dunkin Donuts for munchkins and to bring Mommy the biggest coffee ever sold, then we headed to the hospital for the big life changing event of bringing home baby.  Daddy was super smart and brought the iPad with him for me to play monkeys and balloons while they took care of getting the screamer into the car seat and ready to come home with us. Some might say that I was in denial. Yep, that's me on said iPad.

Things went along smoothly as she bundled up in her car seat and we headed home.
When we got home she started this wailing nonsense. Holy Moly! She is super tiny and can scream just about as good as me. I mean, I've got years of practice on her, but she can pack a punch with the best of 'em.  

Overall, I'm pretty over the new adjustment phase.  I've got my priorities straight. I'm all about sliced cheese.

Sliced cheese is super reliable, tasty and fun to eat.  Score!

Sliced cheese and a new sister.  It's been quite a week and I'm not sure I'm totally ready for what next week will bring.

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