Wednesday, August 15, 2012


What an awesome day!  Chrissy had 'tape' play.  Yeah, she's a baby and babies like simple things like tape on a table.  Teachers call it 'tape play' and that makes babies smile.
Another thing that makes her smile is the promise of Teddy's on a school night. We almost never get to go out to eat on a school night, but it was one of those days and Mommy made an executive decision.  Chrissy was on board, totally!

So, we girls packed into the booth and started right into the deep conversations that only girls on a dinner date can have.....

Did you know that it won't rain when you are out to dinner? Really. I heard it on the radio!

Where is your wedding ring? When am I going to be married?

Yeah, I'm a real conversation starter, let me tell you!

We also rocked our mad artist skills while waiting for our grilled cheese sandwiches.

Then, Chrissy dug into her sandwich like it was something I was going for.  Yeah, we're competitive like that...
It's somehow appropriate that she paused to give Mommy her bestest cheese face!
To top off an amazing dinner that we were both super well behaved, we celebrated with ice cream at Gil & Berts.  Yummy!

I am super adorable posing for the camera while Chrissy only has one thing on her mind- ice cream!

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