Sunday, August 05, 2012

Summer Olympics- Swim Style

What a great day for a girls walk on Main Street.  Daddy does his super big runs on Sunday morning, so we girls hop in dresses and make a fashion statement while we get our steps in.


Crazy hair!
I seem to have trouble getting my smiles on when the camera clicks.

But I have no problem walking under sprinkers. 
We might be getting all wet....
And I might like it a bit too much!
No more crazy hair?  Jury's out on this one.
I think my nose might be dripping.
Silly Samantha!
I wish I had her curls.
And silly faces.
Oh, wait. I do!  We stopped for bagels during our super long walk.
And had a great time sharing a bagel.
Then we went home and Samantha made a card wishing Hallie good luck on her potty training.  I wonder when I will get a card for me to get potty trained?

Can you tell Samantha made a horse and an elephant?  I didn't know they are green!
Smiling cat!
Wowsers, look at Samantha's pretty nails!

I think I might have outgrown this crib...

Ten Apples Up On Top!
Samantha is a great story teller.
And I'm a great climber.
And not such a great listener.
Eh, at least I can do fun tricks.
Potty on!

Samantha loves playing her Curious George memory game.
Which one is she going to pick?
The center, of course!

Off to the pool for some summer olympics fun. I'm into the bean bag toss.

And so is Samanthana.
Chrissy on a mission. Here I am!
Daddy is the keeper of the bean bags.
Until we  take them all.
I think I need to take notes.
Hmm, maybe note taking can wait a few years.
My turn!
Yeah, wish I could tell you that was me....

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