Monday, August 06, 2012

Martial Arts Mixed With Crafts On The Side

Chrissy has lots of fun in her room.  They play parachute.  She has so much fun!

She also likes to take toys and carry them around.  She is muscle Chrissy!

The most exciting part of today is Mommy coming to my martial arts class.  That's me- second from the right.
Can you see my watermelon dress peeking out from under my uniform?

Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
Hi yah!
Hi yah!

Hi, Mommy!

Wide stance.

In action.

More action.

Lining up in a striaght line is super hard when you are four.

Did you know that we have to sit quietly, without moving for five whole minutes.  Now that is a miracle in action!
Still sitting....

Back home, Chrissy is still into making messes.
And loving it!

Chrissy making a mess!

I found a bug.  Whom do you call?  Samantha with her bug catcher!

I'm ready for you, buggie!
In keeping with this super busy day, it's time to make cousin Maddie a birthday card.

And Mommy wanted a movie.

And another...

I just wanted to make a duckie.

And Chrissy was super mad that Mommy wouldn't let her eat the markers.
I might be the angel in the family. I never eat markers...

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