Sunday, October 07, 2012

Face Painting 101

Want to know how I spend the mornings of birthday parties?  Making cards.  This time it was some Halloween cards since that holiday is coming up soon.

Thanks my creation!
Then I made Sophia a birthday card.  Happy first birthday, Sophia!

If Mommy could take pictures, then you'd see my smile and the writing on the card in the same picture. Silly, Mommy!

Christina spent her morning learning how to spell animal names.

I love that Emily and I go to the same parties.  School time just isn't enough bestie time!

At Sophia's party, there was face painting.

Can you guess what I'm going to be?
A butterfly!

How did Christina spend her time without me?  On a truck, of course!

I think she wants one at our house, too.

Now this is one pretty butterfly!


Truck driver Christina got jealous, so she went to get something painted, too. Babies don't get their face painted.  So, she settled on her arm.
Woah, she is excited!

What is this going to be?

She got balloons on one arm and a jack-o-lantern on the other! Lucky duck!

Not sure how much we liked face painting? Check this out!

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