Saturday, June 08, 2013

Meet Me On The Street!

Oh. My. Goodness.
This has never happened before.  Mommy and Ms. Sarah surprised Roman, Chrissy and me with a special breakfast with all our favorite Sesame Street characters!

And an even bigger surprise is that Chrissy didn't cry 'uppie' as soon as she saw a character. Normally she is super scared of all the characters and can't let them be near her. I sure hope this means that she will love all the characters as much as she loves Elmo!

Woah, who knew Grover was a huge fan of me.  Can you believe he left the street to come visit with me?
And Roman, of course. We are two lucky ducks!  Where is Chrissy?  Well, I spoke too soon earlier.  Turns out she is freaked out by all the other characters. Every time they came to our table, she cried so much she scared them away and Mommy had to chase them down so Roman and I could meet with them.

C is for Cookie, that's good enough for ME!

Count with me!
This is so much fun!

Even Mommy jumped in on the fun!
Christina insists on riding the carousel every time we visit.  Shh, don't tell her it's a must for me too!

We were short one parent, so this trip was a lesson in patience.  I must say  we rocked the patience lesson.  We all did a great job taking turns.  Ms. Sarah even took me on Elmo's Flying Fish!

These tea cups are colossal in size.  Someone must be exceedingly thirsty!

Note to self, the balloon ride is great but not when there is a 45 minute wait. 

Woah, how did it take us two years to discover the nets?  These things are awesome!

Chrissy might have gotten a wee stuck and Mommy had to conduct a rescue mission in her flip flops while wearing her big backpack.  Woah!  Mommy had to ask lots of Daddies to help us since these nets have big drops and are not flip flop friendly.  Oops is right!

So, after a super long and fun day we went back to Roman's hotel for dinner.  Take out from Macaroni Grill.  Yummy.  Even better? Getting to watch television!  We're easy to please round these here parts of PA!

Now this is what I'm talking about.  ME, TV and a REMOTE!
Sure there were a few tears. Can you believe Roman doesn't live here?  I asked him to move here and he said no because he has to go back to the house he lives in.  Grrr.  I sure hope he comes back really soon for a visit!

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