Monday, October 26, 2009

Doctors, Water Bottles And Slides, Oh My

After my bazillionith hearing test today, I am totally diagnosed with perfect hearing. Mommy was a little annoyed to find that when I ignore her it's a matter of choice. Looks like I'm surgery bound again. General anethesia for the second time in three months means I'm going to milk this go round for lots and lots of ice cream even though the surgery will be a piece of cake.

It was so nice out and Mommy took the afternoon off work so we headed to the playground. On the way Mommy documented why the house rule is no open water bottles in the car.

I was sad to find that I was the only munchkin at the park today. What's with all the overprotective parents that keep their kids inside if the temps dip below freezing?
Oh, well. I sure had enough fun for all the kids in Mayberry. Mommy loves that I get so tickled pink that it looks like I'm grimacing.Suspension bridge, here I come!

Here I am in action. For those who haven't been able to spend much time with me recently, this will give you a solid understanding of my thought process and why Mommy has to sign so many incident reports at school. For the record, I've been climbing up slides since I was ten months old at school. Remember that I would go up the slide and down the ladder, getting hurt so many times and teaching other kiddos this great trick that school took the toy away? Anywhoosit, here I am performing the great Samantha Slide Trick.

PS- there are a lot of great posts dating back to the middle of October that I just put up, so scroll on down and click on 'older posts'. Think me in a tutu and scoring baskets. It's worth it, I promise!

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