Sunday, October 04, 2009

Whooo's The Cutest?

Since I look so cute in my flower power sleepwear, Daddy said that we needed to take a field trip to the Carter's outlet and pick up some more for the upcoming winter months. Since today is their six YEAR anniversary, Daddy sucked it up and joined our shopping adventures. Woot!

Before shopping though we needed a quick photo shoot. I'm here for you, Mommy.

Whoo's the most adorable baby ever? Meeeee!
Now, back to the shopping trip. Mommy navigated the super crazy busy store while Daddy and I played how much can we throw out of the cart. Fun times with the Krempa-Burts!

Then they ditched my tush to have dinner in celebration of their big day. I loved my babysitter, just not while she was here. Now that I have time to reflect on the 'incident', I'm thinking I sure hope she comes back so we can bond over how nasty I was to her and move onto a great friendship.

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