Sunday, March 28, 2010


After a great Saturday I woke up this morning and thought it was a great time to reflect on the many, many good times I've had in my amazing life.  What better way than fawn all over beautiful pictures of me and my family?

Mommy has coupon envy.  The Washington Post has about 19 times more coupons than the dinky NY paper we subscribe to at home.  So, she hunkered down and started clipping, sorting between what we wanted and what Grandpa wanted.  Every one for Grandpa was handed to me, raced over to show Grandma and then pony expressed to the kitchen to give to Grandpa.  Truth be told it was such a site that  Mommy started clipping extra coupons just to see me race my poor tush off.  That bugger will do anything to increase my steps per day and I went along with it because those silly adults got such a kick out of my exuberance.

Then I hopped into the shower and got all cutsie for the day.  And wondered just how the adults were going to top the petting zoo.  Can they do it? Yeppers!  The National Zoo- here we come!! 

Look!  Me thinks there are two HUGE elephants!

And they did tricks just for me!



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