Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sit Tight- It's A Busy Saturday!

You wouldn't believe me if I told you how busy my days can get, so sit tight and enjoy photographic evidence of my jam packed Saturday.

Up and at em, I always say when the weather is great and I'm ready to boogie. Off to the garden to be, please.

Thank goodness I got my own gardening tools for Christmas. Samantha sized trowels are the best.

Crappers. Noone said anything about dirt getting on my tools. Yikes! Must get clean off trowel.

Phew- much better. Let's try this again.

I think I just self nominated me for the most inefficient gardener of the year award. More dirt that needs to jump off the trowel.

After gardening all morning it was rest time with a super long nap. When I woke up it was time to welcome Kayleigh and Peter to the house for a playdate.

We hunkered right down in the world of art and let our creative juices flow.

Can you believe the Mommies inquired what we were up to? Blank stares go really far!

Peter was a bit jealous of my highlights but didn't want to copy too much. He grabbed the brown crayon and took a shot at lowlights. Kayleigh stared in shock and I pretended to be distracted by the grandness of a blue chair. Oh, Peter, we like your hair just the way it is!

Thankfully he listed to us gorgeous kiddos and redirected his artistic talent to paper.

And then he realized how much fun chunky crayons are. I knew we were kindred spirits!

PS- see Kayleigh headed right for the perfect toddler sized easel to get her marker on.

After some indoor fun it was time to head outside for some bouncy house escapades. Throwing three toddlers in a bouncy house is guaranteed fun for everyone!

See me trying to escape down the inflated slide.

Baby steps- made it to the top of the slide. Ah, enjoy the moment!

Kayleigh wasn't so sure about the bouncing doohicky, so she approached it with a bit of trepidation. Smart girl! Who wants to jump into something that might bounce them without permission?

She loved the slide so much she wanted to slide up it to go back down again. Yay!

Kayleigh's Mommy is super nice and helps her up the slide- maybe Mommy will follow her lead!

What is better than your bestest buds and a bouncy house? This is such a great afternoon!

Yes, Peter, the sky is beautiful. It's been a super long winter and it's wonderful to be out in the sun without heavy coats on.

Gosh, I'm darned cute!

Imagine the scene, up and down- repeat!

Sadly, my new swing set wasn't installed on time and the playdate was over before the swing set was fully up and running. So, Mommy and Daddy made the executive decision to prolong the normal nightly activities and break in the swing set and then have a picnic dinner on the back lawn.
Here is my first swing ride on the new set.

Boy, I never noticed my thunder thighs before. Maybe I should go back to pants until I slim down.
Or stop looking down!

Daddy saw me having so much fun he decided to try out the rock wall.

Mommy, not to be outdone, grabbed me and we went a swingin' on the glider.

This is a picture perfect day- look at all that green! You can't see them now, but a family of blue jays lives in those huge Christmas trees. I am blessed!

Wowsers, this is one big, wavy slide!

I'm Queen of the World!

With all this activity, it used up all my energy and it was time to refuel!


After a great dinner it was time to head in and hang out as a family. Daddy and I got in our chairs and made faces at Mommy.

Mommy really needs to step up her entertainment skills. Super boring! Daddy resorted to watching me make faces.

See how much fun I can have with just my shoes and a balloon?

What? You can do better?

Good night!

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