Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sparkly Things And Swings

Daddy and Mommy had a to-do about my wardrobe this morning.  Mommy said this was a dress and Daddy insisted that it was a long shirt and I needed shorts on underneath.  After much huffing, Mommy let Daddy have his way.  I countered the whole thing with much jewelry.  

Bracelets only go on one arm in this house.  Doesn't matter which one, but it better not be both!

Necklaces?  The more the better!

So pretty!

Mommy sent Daddy off to his weekly Home Depot trip while Dean and company headed off to the PARK.  I love the PARK!  See how great I am at swinging.

I can get pretty high for someone who's not quite two yet.

This was about the moment that we knew our precious time with Dean was coming to an end.  I gave him my signature Samantha smile and weaseled a walk out of him, but then he was on his way back to Virginia.  Bummer!  Come back soon!

After I woke up from my nap, it was lots of family time.  Until Miss Melissa showed up and Mommy and Daddy headed out to a late birthday dinner for Daddy. I was on my bestest behavior with Miss Melissa.  No crying on the floor and went right to bed when it was time.  Everyone cheered at this progress.  Last time, I cried for an hour when she tried to pick me up.  But, in fairness, that was six months ago and an overnight babysitting adventure.

Looks like I'm all grown up and ready to be two!

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