Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cousins Unite!

Today is a school day, but we're not going to school.  Daddy and Mommy declared it mini vacation day and we headed to the beach.  We're going to see cousin Lauren.  Yay!

Mommy tried to get some photos.  Chrissy was not quite on board the same ship.

It's way hard to sit and smile when you're a baby but Lauren's smile is super cute, right?
That's my sister!
Lauren is learning to surf and was trying to teach me.
I wasn't on board at all!
We headed to the beach just in time for it to start raining.  Chrissy and Mommy wussed out while Lauren and I had so much fun playing in the sand and water.  We brought our hungry bellies back inside and munched on our favorites.  Mine?  Pita with hummus and pears, of course!
Lauren was super excited that Mommy brought pears for her, too.  So we shared the same chair and filled our bellies with yummy pears.

Kid approved!

Serious cousins!
Silly Lauren and focus Samantha!
Hey, I refuse to miss lunch!

Lauren is one happy bappy!
Frozen peas?  No way!  You can have them all Lauren!
I'll stick with my pears.

Chrissy stuck with the magic wand.  She chews on it and Daddy smiles.
That's some trick!
Can she make you smile?
She can make Aunt Katie smile.
Cousin Lauren loves babies and was super excited to hold one that actually eats and goes pee pee.  Way better than a dolly!
Chrissy ready to give Mommy a high five!

Super cute!
It started to rain really hard and there was an evacuation of the whole town.  Talk about a bummer.  We had to pack up and leave early.  Lauren was super sad to see us leave.

We hugged it out and promised to visit again really soon.
Our parents approve!

Can you see how dark it is out the windows? That's super hard rain coming down and making it super dark outside.  I think Hurricane Irene is not going to be kind. At least Curious George will keep me company on the ride home.

I had so much fun with Lauren today.  Too bad she lives in California.  Makes for a tough time in scheduling last minute play dates.  Come back soon!  Or maybe I can come visit you in California!

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