Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pretty Princess!

Cat's out of the bag with this post.  Mommy sometimes forget to change Chrissy's clothes at night and waits until she is fed the next morning before putting her in new clothes.  So, here Chrissy is playing while Mommy makes milk for Chrissy to drink at school.

By playing, I mean watching the Real Housewives series.
Did I tell you that school has special dress up days?  Today is a Disney character.  So, I'm a princess, complete with my tiara from the Target dollar bin.  I've gotten more mileage out of this tiara than you could ever imagine and it totally completes the look, right?
But it's my facial expression that takes the look to a whole new level!
And a gentle princess just to shut Mommy's trap.
My princess outfit was a total hit at school.  Especially my sneakers underneath because Mommy said I'd trip too much if I wore heels. I certainly wouldn't tell her, but between us, I think she's right.

When I came home, I went to 'sleep' on the couch under my bathroom towel, I mean blankie.
And shouted for Mommy to come take pictures!
Pictures of me pretending to sleep!

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