Tuesday, January 15, 2013

No More Germs, Please!

So, Christina is sick again!  She got ready for school and everything, seeming fine. But, then Mommy got out the trusty thermometer and saw 100.8.  Hence, I was shipped off to school all by myself.  She drove with me and walked me to Ms. Michelle's room, but then she packed up and settled back home for a day of driving Mommy nutso.

Christina went shopping.

And had tea parties and even packed up her suitcase and tried to load it in the car to get on an airplane and visit Daddy in California.  I remember packing to go with Daddy to Denmark.  Must be a Burt rite of passage!  Does Christina watch tv when she's sick?  Not like me.  She likes it on in the background, but then prefers to cause a ruckus.

Finally, I think Mommy wanted to make sure there was no way that she was keeping Christina home on Wednesday and made a doctor's appointment. In the car ride to the appointment, Mommy asked Christina if she was excited to see Dr. G.  Her response?  Ariel!

Dr. G laughed when he found out he was not our favorite person.

Christina received a clean bill of health and was sent home.  By 3pm, both were stir crazy and decided to pick me up from school so we could all go to Target.  We got the sit cart and that bugger pinched me just cuz!

Mommy yelled at her and I moved on, choosing to sing, "Kiss The Girl" at the top of my lungs.  Well,  the only line I actually know from the song, at least.

Back home, Christina pooped.  She looked at her diaper and said, "pistachio poop!".  I told you she ate too many pistachios!

Christina wanted to wear a dress and Mommy said, "no".  Chrissy repeated dress louder and slower until we all just about cried.

I distracted myself with dinner.

And Chrissy made a video just for you.

Complete with her usual cheese face that none of us can seem to get enough of!

Mommy took our pictures and then it happened. Chrissy calmly reached over for NO reason and  ruined my puzzle.

Here is the before.

See Chrissy eyeing my work?
Well, here is the long pause where she went to her crib for a major time out and I rebuilt my puzzle in peace, if you discount the screaming from upstairs at how unfair it is for her to be in a time out, according to her and her alone.
When she got out of time out, I worked on my puzzle in peace as she settled into a tea party of her own.

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