Thursday, April 11, 2013

Art Sampler- Samantha Style

Breaking news here- Christina had a dry diaper last night and then sat on the potty and went tinkles!  I bet you're wondering if it was for the promise of gummy bears or for pizza and ice cream.  Nope, it was to watch an episode of Super Why in the morning.  Hooray!

At school I looked just like a kindergartener.  Don't believe me?  Check this picture out!

We have visitors from the nearby adult community.  They love visiting us cuties and we adore visiting with people old enough and nice enough to be our grandparents!  I feel storytime a comin'!
After school it was off to Ms. Katie's art sampler class.  Christina is not feeling all the fun activities I'm signed up for.  She wants to join in the fun, but has to settle for creating her own drama.
Meanwhile, I created this masterpiece!

Chrissy cried on car ride home and I huffed, "I am so tired of Chrissy's crying!"

When we got home, Chrissy felt better and told Mommy I needed my red blanklet to fall asleep. Not a typo- that's how Chrissy says blanket!

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