Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Channeling My Inner Leia

Since I've entered the toddler phase, Mommy has been looking for creative ways to entertain herself at my expense. Don't believe me? Well, take a look at this here hair do, and I do use the term loosely, that she came up with. Two pig tails, one on each side. Each with enough volume to warrant their own commercials.

Can you imagine what I'm thinking?

Better make a run for it into the bonus room. Maybe she won't be able to find me and I can skip school and all the embarrassment that is sure to come.
Shucks. Didn't work. Back up plan- hold my head up high and embrace Mommy's weirdo sense of humor.
After a day spent at school enduring funny looks from the other toddlers, I headed home and fished out my dress up box. And here's the awesome outfit I came up with, complete with a pose against the green wall.
I feel like I need my own Samantha step and repeat banner just for my photo shoots.
Don't you agree?

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