Saturday, November 20, 2010

Donut and Decorating

Daddy declared it 'Daddy sleep in day', so Mommy and I headed off to The Little Gym all by ourselves. We don't need boys at the gym, but we sure can't do the same things- darn Mommy's growing belly. To make it up to me we wandered all around town on the way home. Whichever way I pointed, by golly, that's where our car went. We ended up with donuts. Seriously, when did our car become a mind reader?

Daddy and I hunkered down for our naps while Mommy went off to her prenatal yoga with Katie's Mommy. I think it's really neat that Katie and I are about four weeks apart in age and our siblings will be about two weeks apart. Lifelong friends rock!

When Mommy got back, we ran to the mall to test out the couch Mommy picked out. I think I told you already, but the fabric sample proved to match me stain for attempted stain. Mommy was able to test out grape juice, coffee, markers, pen and crayons and all came right out of the fabric sample. Score! After making our final decision, we meandered (the only way a walking 2.5 year old travels, right?) to the toy store. Mommy looked for a few things and I was a bit more definite in my decision making. I picked up a train puzzle and a Dora puzzle. Then we headed over to the calendars where I fell in love with George. All these goodies found their way into our reusable bag and we headed back to the car.

Wanna see the train puzzle? I almost put it together all by myself.

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