Saturday, March 05, 2011

Connor's Birthday Party- My First BIG Outing

Today is a super big day for me.  I get to go on a really big field trip to celebrate Connor's third birthday.  Samantha and her pink hat were invited but I get to tag along so long as I stay in the baby bjorn.

Samantha likes to start the day off right, with eggs dipped in milk. Of course!  Must take notes or I will forget this delicious combination.

And super big bites, check!
Yeppers, she's listening to Mommy lecture her on proper manners.  Blah, blah, blah.
Mommy made me get all cleaned up for our big outing.  I wasn't too keen on the idea myself.
I mean, really!
I might just gnaw my fist off.
I really dislike being cold and wet.  Mommy doesn't seem to care enough to skip baths.  Grrr.
Wowsers- check out Samantha and Emily on the slide. 
I'm jealous!
The hat makes the picture, doesn't it?
They even have a kitchen for Samantha to whip up Connor's birthday cake.
Hmmm.  Who is this strange boy getting all up in her grill?
Where am I?  Cuddled up with Mommy!
Resting, of course!
But never too sleepy for cuddles with Samantha!
Samantha's reaction to being told to share.  Super funny!
Music time!
Clap, clap, clap your hands.
She's a super clapper!
Oooohhhhh, scarves look way fun.
So do egg shakers.
Maybe we need to sign up for music class.
This looks super fun.
And you can't beat drums.  Ha Ha!
Bang, bang.
Upside down- you can't go wrong!
Run and jump, Samantha's favorite.
Soon replaced by another favorite. Cupcakes!
Big cupcakes!
Yummy cupcakes!
Washed down by the calorie eliminator- water.
See- belly stays the same.

What a super fun day and great way to celebrate Connor's birthday.  Sure wish we got a picture of him, but he was too quick for Mommy and me to catch him with our camera. Next year!

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