Friday, March 11, 2011

Three Little Princesses

Once upon a time there were three princesses.  All unique in their own ways, but each super stinkin' cute.

Before we get into storytime, here is a solid shot of my new Dora backpack.  Oh, and since I went pee pee on the potty AGAIN today, we went right from school to Dunkin' Donuts for munchkins.  I sang my good ole' standby, 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' for Mommy and Chrissy. I even threw in "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" for good measure.  Anywhoo, back to the story.

Daddy was on his way back from Kentucky, so Emmy and her Mommy came to our house to make it easier on Mommy.  Thanks a million, Emmy and Emmy's Mommy!

Emmy showed me a little break dancing in her princess outfit while I watched.

She can slide across the floor like nobody's business.  I'm still not ready to part with my backpack.
Or my shoes.
My pants?  Clearly no love lost here!
Pants, where did you go?
Eh, I'll just water my crayons instead.

Super classy.
See me dancing with my horsey, in heels and with the corner to my alphabet mat.  Gosh darn it, I'm super cute!
But I'm more than a pretty face, I'm also athletic.
And a thief.
Who has a guilty conscience and has to put things back after swiping.
Yay for Daddies!
Since Chrissy is small and snuggly, Daddy doesn't mind resting with her. She's a little princess resting on her throne, which happens to be Daddy's belly.
He even smiles for the camera!
Meanwhile, I brushed up on my puzzles.  Cars are my favorite.
And the super glue holding my backpack to my tushie is holding up quite well.
Emmy's facial expressions are priceless.  Here she is loving her ice cream.
And her milk while I get my own cone.
And milk.
We're both dairy fiends.
Apparently, so is Daddy.
I think we'd both tie in a fashion competition, what do you think?
Emmy smiling!
Really smiling!
Me wondering why Mommy keeps taking pictures of me pantless.
Hi Princess!

Bestest friends!

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