Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Princess/Unicorn/Little Red Riding Hood

Ah, the nightly fights over who is who on the little mermaid family tree. Ariel and Alana and their five other sisters- keep them straight or you're hosed in this house....Just ask Mommy how often she is banished to the kitchen for calling us the wrong name!

Can't you tell who I am?

Aunt Holley and Aunt Travis sent this great picture to Mommy today.  Want to know what this is besides the most beautifulest unicorn ever?  My artwork, of course.  This is what I made with them on my special date on Chrissy's birthday.  I have the bestest Aunt and Uncle ever.  They call me all the time and we Facetime.  Want to know the best part?  Nibby talks to me too!
Wowsers, we are getting really, really good at making puzzles that have no straight edges.  I'm so ready for kindergarten!

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