Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ruther­fordium- What's That? Don't Ask Me!

"Lulu wants to go to school!

Christina made ants on a log at school today.  Not real ants. Pretend ants, you silly billy!

Mommy did lunch duty again today- all week if you're keeping track- and we are having a blast!
She met a new boy and they had the following conversation.

"Excuse me, does Samantha know the entire periodic table?"
"Um, no."
"Does she know any of it?"
"Um, no."

Enter in Mommy's guilt complex that she has failed me as a parent.  I'm okay with it. How 'bout you?

So, we snuckered Mommy into taking us for grilled cheese sandwiches.  Notice that Christina is wearing a watch. She wore it to school all day even though she can't tell time. Silly Christina!
We love grilled cheese sandwiches!

And then convinced Mommy we needed ice cream with sprinkles.
We just didn't tell her where the sprinkles would be!

And then we passed out after all our fun adventures.  Mommy had promised us she would snuggle with us, but then took this picture to prove to us that two tiny girls can take up all the space on a queen bed!

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