Monday, April 20, 2009

A Mixed Bag

Of emotions that is. Today is a very special day. We've been preparing for two weeks and can't wait to see what lies ahead. You see, today is my first day of DAY CARE. Remember my stint as Queen of the Fever? Well, you can directly tie it to my introduction meeting on Thursday. Nine months without any signs of illness squashed in sixty minutes.

Here is my first picture of what promises to be many of going to school. A bit apprehensive, I admit. It's scary to leave the house knowing it will be an entire day before I can come back to the comforts of home.

Working out the kinks of getting into the car seat. It was much easier when it was in the dining room!

Of course Mommy followed us to school. Weirdo.

Here is Miss Maria taking me to play while Mommy and Daddy head off to work.

Overall it was a great day. I met lots of new friends and my new friend, Miss Kim, is awesome. I am looking forward to getting settled in and painting the town red.

Ah, the sweet smell of plastic flowers!
What is with the camera? I thought I'd have a break while I was at school, but noooo Mommy had to leave some disposable cameras with Miss Kim to torture me with.

If I pseudo smile will you leave me alone for ten minutes? Thanks!

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