Sunday, September 06, 2009

All Over Town

Mommy and Daddy decided it was time to run errands and pretend they were carefree, young adults. Ha! Whatever. Grandma Burt and I tended to the master bedroom transformation. We scrubbed the floors and baseboards. And we looked super cute to boot. See?This was a posed shot for artistic purposes. Success, if I do say so myself.

After all our hard work, we treated ourselves to a quick trip for ICE CREAM. And Mommy wonders how I got to be 20 pounds, 12 ounces. It wasn't the water, I can tell ya for sure! I sure love Gil and Berts, anticipating the Samantha-sized cone as soon as I see the sign on the horizon.
Here is one of my expressions from my Samantha Madison Burt portfolio.

Good ole' fashioned people watching at its best.

Oops. They spotted us. Quick, smile and they think we're just being friendly.
Lots of love here. Daddy and Samantha moment in action.

You're cute, so I'm willing to share my tasty treats with you.

Here I am contemplating how wonderful life is. And, just how high my hair can get, 80's style of course.

Off to the park!

After our excursion, we headed back home for some weeding/rock counting. Guess which one I cornered the market on?

Wait, I'm three short. Who took my rocks?

Thank goodness I found them and a few hundred more...

Just call me the rock counter, I mean bean counter!

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