Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day! We started the day right with cuddle time, Barney and super tasty Danish pancakes. Then we headed to the playroom for some good ol' fashioned fun.

Mommy gets such a kick out of my tongue that finds its way out of my mouth when I'm concentrating super hard.

And here is the first picture of me responding to the 'smile' command. I'm such a ham! Can you see all those teeth? And Mommy was worried I'd be toothless in pre-school. Oh, and see all the stickers on my chest. They were nicely placed on a card that was going to one of my fans until I ripped them all up off the card and placed them in a heap on my pajamas. I'm so glad Katie taught me the great art of placing stickers on myself. This is awesome!

I'm getting such a kick out of this television. I move a chair for me and a chair for Mommy - we always get the front row seats!

Ah, always the perfect channel.

Here I am hamming it up for the blessed camera.

My tongue is having a harder time finding gaps through all my new teeth.

Oh, and dolly totally has to ride side stroller. Annoys Mommy so much that I always fix Dolly before we go for a stroll.

Let the races begin!

I sure take this racing stuff seriously.

Now that my peeps are here I can comfortably go back to watching television.

After a great morning it was time for a nap while Mommy shopped for March's art project. As soon as she came home we raced off to the train station. Wonder what we're doing that for?
Wowsers, I'm taking my first train ride ever!

And I quite like it!

I sure can't wait to take another train ride. Me thinks Mommy and Daddy have something brewing.....

Ah, what a nice way to spend a relaxing afternoon. Life is good.

And getting even better, what's this? Pretzels, yummy!

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